Wednesday, June 2, 2010

a good day on the highway

Lots of cool things have made a lot of awesome days in my life. I got to go aboard a Nuclear Submarine for a tour, kick a door in at church, eat free at a fancy restaurant and other things. An obvious answer to what’s the best day of my life was my wedding day.
Days my children were born too, but the day Sarah was born is up there at the top.
I had taken the week off from teaching. Benjamin being born in about an hour made me want to stay close. We had an emergency home delivery kit too, which we ended up using.
Harrison was at school. Prajna and I went for a walk with Naomi and Benjamin. We ran into an old friend that we hadn’t seen since the night Naomi had been born. The kids went down for a nap after lunch and Prajna’s contractions grew strong and regular. We couldn’t leave home with the kids napping and Harrison due home soon. We called Prajna’s mom.
When Prajna’s labor got even stronger we reassessed the situation and I called the paramedics. I hung up on them when Prajna called for me. Our little girl was on her way. Prajna’s mom got there in time to coach. I played doctor, or catcher. The delivery was textbook routine. I suctioned the nose as the head came out and made sure the cord wasn’t wrapped around her neck. She came out a minute later blue and calm. I suctioned her again and the paramedics arrived in time to give her some oxygen help cut the cord. Harrison arrived home from school in time to see us getting into the ambulance.
The paramedics wanted to write ‘Jane Doe’ on their paper work so we named our daughter Sarah Marie Faux right there on Mokulele Highway.

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